My Room

As of three hours ago, I have spent a full week here in England. And I'm loving every minute of it. It really has been such a wonderful change, and while not really having a crazy amount of work thus far has helped, it is just a great experience being someplace completely different. The Pomona people I'm here with are great, everyone seems to get along very well thus far-- but still can't wait for the regular students to get here. Freshers show up this coming week at some point, and then the upperclassmen show up the week after (when we move into homestays).
Over the past week our director and an Architecture prof have been showing us around to lots of places-- the highlights include a day trip to Bath and a full tour of Oxford (both focusing on the architectural stuff, but still very enjoyable). We've all gone out to pubs for a couple nights, including going to one last night with our professor called The Turf. Fun fact about The Turf, it's allegedly the location of Clinton's "did not inhale" incident while he was a Rhodes scholar here at my college, Univ. Beer is expensive (2.5 pounds, or about 5 bucks) but very good. The exchange rate sucks for us Americans at this point, and probably is going to be getting worse, but what can you do. Thats why I worked all summer :)
Our first politics class met on Tuesday, and it looks like it is going to be a great class. Crazy thing, the professor has his own wikipedia page (See Leslie Mitchell). So despite being intimidated to death of that, he seems very cool and is definitely an engaging lecturer.
Also got to visit the Ashmoleon museum, the first public museum in Britian located right here in Oxford. Saw a few other cool local stuff that I want to go out and explore today. Some people are doing London today, but I'm going to hold off on that until after term I think.
P.S. For all of you predicting doom and gloom RE the weather, we have had sun every day thus far. While I certainly don't expect that to continue, it has made for a great first week!
To see my pictures from the Bath trip, click here.
Also, see the post below for two pictures taken out of my bedroom window.
Now playing: The Decemberists - Apology Song
via FoxyTunes
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